Two Singaporeans and a snowstorm help seal the deal
9th August 2019
Cost savings prompt States to sign Convention
4th October 2019

Market reaction to the Singapore Convention on Mediation was generally positive, although there is also acknowledgement that ratification will be a long process.
The signature of the Singapore Convention, which makes settlements resulting from mediation readily enforceable, much as the New York Convention does for arbitration awards, was met with considerable goodwill from the legal profession earlier this month. Endorsement of the Convention came from no less an authority than Toby Landau QC, who is a member of the Singaporean Bar at Essex Court Chambers Duxton and a silk at Essex Court Chambers in London, as well as one of the architects of the UK Arbitration Act 1996. Calling the Convention “an exciting new development”, Landau tells CDR that it offered extraordinary potential in plugging the gap between arbitration, litigation and mediation.